Monday, 5 March 2012


Here's how it works;

NOTE: These prices are more like a guideline rather than actual rules. Depending on the detail of the model / how long it takes, the prices may vary. Discounts for large numbers of models / entire armies.

Cost is per model.

I have a 3 tier system.

Tier one.
The most basic. Basecoat, wash, simple highlights. Good for large batches of things, like Ork boyz or Tyranid gaunts.

Tier two.
2-3 highlights, washes/inking. Most of my work falls into this catergory. The two prices below are dependent on the amount of detail on the model. For example, a Tactical Marine would be $6 but a Sternguard Veteran would be $7.

Tier three.
The whole shebang. Not recomended for the whole army, maybe for a HQ or a Centrepiece unit. This tier needs discussion before any pricing can be determined, as it will be different for each unit, and to what level you want them painted. Email me at

Blacklining - Highly recomended for amoured troops and vehicles.

All tiers come with basic basing (1 colour sand with a bit of flock).
More advanced basing;
Sand/Rock mixture, highlighted and washed, scorched grass.
Snow - 2 stages of bicarb soda, patches of grass.
Anything else you desire!
Happy to do resin bases if supplied, they come under advanced basing.

Infantry (Space Marine Tacticals, Ork Boyz, Tyranid Gaunts, Lesser Daemons) - 25mm base

Tier 1 Special
0-19 models - $4.00
20-29 models - $3.50
30+ models - $3.00

Note that these models must all be similar both in terms of colour and details. For example Ork boyz, lootas and burna boyz are all similar, as are both types of Tyranid Gaunts. Different lesser daemons are not similar (eg bloodletters and daemonettes), unless you want them painted the same colours. It's best to contact me first.

Tier 2 - $6.00 - $7.00
Blacklining - $0.50
Advanced basing - $0.20

Heavy Infantry / Bikes and Cavalry (Terminators, Ork Nobs, Tyranid Warriors, Chaos Fiends, Bikes (including Jetbikes), Chaos Seekers) - 40mm / Biker base
Tier 1 - $6.00
Tier 2 - $8.00 - $9.00
Blacklining - $0.75
Advanced Basing - $0.50

Monstrous Creatures/Dreadnoughts and Small Vehicles (Rhinos, Chimeras, Venoms) - 60mm base
Tier 1 - $15.00 - $18.00
Tier 2 - $20.00 - $25.00
Blacklining - $1.50
Advanced Basing - $1.00

Large Creatures / Large Vehicles (Tervigons, Land Raiders)
Tier 1 - $20.00 - $25.00
Tier 2 - $30.00 - $40.00
Blacklining - $2.00
Advanced Basing - $2.00

Leaders / HQ's (Space Marine Librarians/Captains, Chaos Heralds, Ork Big Meks, Dark Eldar Archons)
Tier 2
25mm Base - $15.00
40mm Base - $20.00
Advanced basing comes free.

The Wizard

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