Thursday, 15 March 2012

Eagle Warriors - Full Army

Greetings once again

Here's (most) of the army arrayed - missing another (!) Land Raider and more termies. They wouldn't fit.


- The Wizard

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Chaos Daemons (and Wizards)

Here's parts of my LOTR themed Chaos Daemons army.

I've been playing these guys steadily for about a year now. Daemons are great fun to play, but can be exceedingly frustrating. However I've stuck with them (despite many people telling me to switch armies), and I've even done well with them.

Plaguebearers with Instrument



Plaguebearer with Vuvuzela of Chaos

Fiends of Slaanesh (Vampire Counts Dire Wolves)

Fiends, Red head is Might



Daemon Prince of Tzeentch

Daemon Prince

Saruman - Herald of Tzeentch on Chariot

Tom Bombadil - Objective

Eagle Warriors Daemon Prince

Eagle Prince

Ka- Kawwww!!

Back of the Eagle Prince including Blood Angels helmet

Frodo and Sam - Objective marker

What we need is a few good taters.

Daemon Prince - Pre Heresy Thousand Sons

Great Unclean One

Great Unclean Ent - Special Rules - Don't be Hasty! (Slow and Purposeful)

The trees are talking!

Pippin kills an Ork - Objective Marker

Sam vs Gollum - Objective Marker

Gollum vs. Sam - Objective Marker

Chaos Frog - Spawn - For use with Boon of Mutation (The Wizards turn enemies into frogs)

Frog of Tzeentch!

Frodo and Sam - Objective

Objective Marker

Cheers, more of the army up soon.

- The Wizard

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Eagle Warriors! Tier 2+

Here's my first big commission, the Eagle Warriors. I should point out that if you really want Half n' Half done it will cost extra, as it's essentially painting 2 models for every 1. Great scheme, and I'm glad I did it for this army, but it's unlikely I will attempt it again unless the money is good.

- The Wizard