Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Biel Tan Eldar post 1

Biel Tan Eldar

Wave Serpent - Orange Squad

Guardians - Orange Squad

 Warp Spiders

Farseer - WIP

Wave Serpent - Blue Squad
 Guardians - Blue Squad

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Necrons - Destroyer Lord, Warriors, Barges


Destroyer Lord - Converted with a few bits from the Tomb Kings chariot kit


Flame from the Burning Chariot kit

Warriors! Heads from the Tomb kings range. Wanted to give these guys a bit of over-the-top glowiness, hence the green light spilling from their mouths. Because they are ROBOTS

Annihilation Barge 1. These are a very fiddly model. 

Annihilation Barge 2. Wanted to make these all look slightly different

Annihilation barge 3. Different again.

Inquisitor Coteaz. Yeah he's not a robot but his bird is.
 Green cloak to tie in with the force weapons and glowy necrons
 Here's a shot of his missing hammer. That thing doesn't stay glued.

More warriors! To make these ones different from the others the ends of their weapons were cut off

 Squad markings - Black
 and lightning

Comments etc. are welcome. All commission queries to jimmy.wizard.wynen@gmail.com
