Monday, 7 January 2013

Death Cult Assassins and Crusaders - Painted


Death Cult Assassins;

Group Shots!

Painting Empire Knights - Commission

Empire Knights - Reiksguard

More Commission work

Yes I am aware that most of the horsies are missing their tails

Here's how I painted them (Again, no step by step photos as I had a deadline to keep)

1. Horses and edge of base - Calthan Brown (The conversion Chart has it listed as Mournfang brown, but that looks like too much red. Try Balor Brown (layer) or XV-88 (base))

2. Armour - Leadbelcher

3. Saddle/Lances/Top of Plume/Crosses on Shields - Mechrite Red (Mephiston Red)

4.  Plume and Shields -
  •  Astronomicon Grey (Celestra Grey)
  • Shields - Layer with White Scar (may need 2 coats)
  • Plumes - Overbrush with White Scar

5. Highlight all the Red - Blood Red (Evil Sunz Scarlet)

6. Crest of leaves -
  • Caliban Green
  • Layer Warpstone Glow (Recommended but not necessary)
  • Highlight - Goblin Green
7. Horses - Layer with a 1:1 Calthan Brown/Screaming Skull mix 

8. Horses - Wash with Agrax Earthshade

9. Armour -
  • Wash with Nuln Oil
  • Drybrush Mithril Silver (Runefang Steel)
10. Gold bits (On the Shield, Tops of Helms, Front and Back of Armour etc) - Balthasar Gold

 Finished! These minis were based with a 2 Types of Sand and Flock mix


How to Paint Bloodletters - Commission

Some more Commission work - Fantasy Bloodletters

Here's how I went about painting them. Apologies, no step by step photos for these guys (was on a deadline)

1. Flesh - Mechrite/Mephiston Red (Khorne Red is also appropriate)

2. Fur, Shafts of Axes, Satchels etc and the Base - Calthan Brown (GW's conversion chart tells me the new one's Mournfang Brown, but that seems much too red)

3. Metal - Leadbelcher

4. Gold - Balthazar Gold

5. Horns/Bone - Rakarth Flesh

6. Drybrush Fur and Base - Rakarth Flesh (to mix it up a bit you can also try grey fur - drybrush Dawnstone over the Calthan Brown for that grey/brown look, or Dawnstone over Eshin Grey)

7. Wash the entire model (including the base, recommended but not required) - Agrax Earthshade (These guys were done with the last of my Devlan mud)

8. Layer the Flesh - Blood Red (Evil Sunz Scarlet)

9. Drybrush Flesh - Vomit Brown (you could do a Red wash/glaze over this if you want a brighter red)

10. Tounge/ Mouth - Xereus Purple

11. Pick out Teeth and Nails - Screaming Skull

12. Eyes - Pure White (White Scar)

Finish off with a little flock on the bases